Who We Are > Our Staff
We, the Staff of The Community House, are proud to be your neighbors. You can rely on our team of dedicated professionals to answer your questions and help you and your family derive the utmost benefit from our services and programs.
We welcome you to The Community House and invite you to contact us at any time.
General Information
Main Office Numbers
- The Community House 630-323-7500 Ext. 0
- The Counseling Center Intake Line 630-323-7500 Ext. 239
- Willowbrook Corner Learning Program 630-323-7500 Ext. 0
Executive Director
- Dan Janowick: Executive Director djanowick@thecommunityhouse.org 630-323-7500 Ext. 222
- Dan Herrmann: Director of Philanthropy, dherrmann@thecommunityhouse.org 630-323-7500 Ext. 227
- Cara Romanini: Advancement Services Manager cromanini@thecommunityhouse.org 630-323-7500 Ext. 250
- Judy Tittelbach: Business Manager, jtittelbach@thecommunityhouse.org 630-323-7500 Ext. 241
- Jim Fetty: Accounting Manager, jfetty@thecommunityhouse.org 630-323-7500 Ext. 236
Customer Support
- Sue Wojnowski: Office Manager swojnowski@thecommunityhouse.org 630-323-7500 Ext. 0
- Heidi Lehenbauer: Customer Support hlehenbauer@thecommunityhouse.org
- Leslie Besecke: Customer Support lbesecke@thecommunityhouse.org
- Amy Thompson: Customer Support athompson@thecommunityhouse.org
- Julie Stewart: Customer Support jstewart@thecommunityhouse.org
- Sacheen Upadhye: Customer Support supadhye@thecommunityhouse.org
- Lauren Labanauskas: Customer Support, llabanauskas@thecommunityhouse.org
Recreation & Enrichment Programming
- Kelci Bednar: Program Director, kbednar@thecommunityhouse.org 630-323-7500 Ext. 247
- Karen Kaspar: Recreation Supervisor kkaspar@thecommunityhouse.org 630-323-7500 Ext. 248
- Jillian Spizzirri: Facility and Adult Recreation Supervisor jspizzirri@thecommunityhouse.org 630-323-7500 Ext. 253
- Molly Towns: Recreation and Marketing Coordinator, mtowns@thecommunityhouse.org 630-323-7500 Ext. 235
LyArts Programming
- Jimmy McDermott: LyArts Program Director, jmcdermott@thecommunityhouse.org 630-323-7500 Ext.240
Willowbrook Corner Learning Program
- Allison Rodgers, CTRS: Community Outreach Supervisor, arodgers@thecommunityhouse.org 630-323-7500 Ext. 231
The Counseling Center
- Confidential Intake Line: 630-323-7500 Ext. 239
- Shabana Sheikh, LCPC: Director of Social Impact, ssheikh@thecommunityhouse.org, 630-323-7500 Ext. 232
- Alisa Messana: Clinical Supervisor, amessana@thecommunityhouse.org630-323-7500 Ext. 232
- Shannon Haut, LCSW: Staff Therapist, shaut@thecommunityhouse.org 630-323-7500 Ext. 228
- Emma Schaul: Staff Therapist, eschaul@thecommunityhouse.org 630-323-7500 Ext. 230
- Nicole Sinzinkayo, MSW, LSW: Staff Therapist, nsinzinkayo@thecommunityhouse.org 630-323-7500 Ext. 233
- Tiera Williams, LSW: Staff Therapist, twilliams@thecommunityhouse.org 630-323-7500 Ext. 255
- Jalissa Gray, LSW: Staff Therapist, jgray@thecommunityhouse.org 630-323-7500 Ext.
Facility Management
- Bob Dorneker, Facility Manager rdorneker@thecommunityhouse.org 630-323-7500 ext. 226
- Peter Bosela, Maintenance Staff
- Jeff Kelly, Maintenance Staff