Who We Are > Contact Us
Click a location name for a mapThe Community House (Main Office)
415 West Eighth Street
Hinsdale, IL 60521
Phone: 630-323-7500
Fax: 630-323-7510
Willowbrook Corner Office
16W610 Honeysuckle Rose Lane
Willowbrook, IL 60527
Phone: 630-325-1389
Who to Call
How do I register for a recreation program?
- Visit our Online Registration System
- Contact our Front Desk
630-323-7500 x0
Where do I find information about the Jodie Harrison Basketball League?
Where can I buy theater tickets?
- Theater Tickets
- Jimmy McDermott
630-323-7500 Ext. 240
Who do I contact with ideas for new programming?
- Kelci Bednar
630-323-7500 Ext. 247
- Kelci Bednar
How do I find information on the Membership Program?
Where do I find information on the Counseling Center?
- Getting Started
- Alisa Messana
630-323-7500 Ext. 232
How can I learn more about what is offered at Willowbrook Corner?
- Learn More
- Beth Metelak
Who do I contact if I want to volunteer?
- Volunteer With Us
- Kelci Bednar
630-323-7500 Ext. 247
Where do I find details about programs for Active Adults or seniors?
- Adults/Senior Programs
- Jillian Spizzirri
630-323-7500 Ext. 253
What types of donations does The Community House accept?
- Ways to Help
- Alana Wett
630-323-7500 Ext. 227
How can my business donate or volunteer with The Community House?
- Get Involved
- Alana Wett
630-323-7500 Ext. 227
Where do I submit suggestions to improve The Community House?
- Sue Wojnowski
630-323-7500 Ext. 0
- Sue Wojnowski
Where can I find a staff directory?
- Meet the Staff
- Customer Support
630-323-7500 Ext. 0
What are the hours for the Walking Track?
- Walking Track Information
- Registration Desk
630-323-7500 Ext. 0
Where can I find facility rental information?
- Facility Rentals
- Jillian Spizzirri
630-323-7500 Ext. 253