Youth Programming
Youth Programming
View Our Current Program Guide >
Registering for Youth programming is as easy as 1, 2, 3!
1. Click the link above to view our program guide and turn to page 19 to see our Youth programs and classes.
2. Click on the program or class that interests you and you will be redirected to our ActiveNet registration site for that specific program or class.
3. Click the “Enroll Now” button and you’ll be on your way.
The Community House was founded by members of the community who recognized the importance and impact a comprehensive, high quality, community recreation plan has on improving the quality of life of residents. We continue to offer a wide array of programming for all ages and interests, regardless of participant’s address.
We feature all the best in programming you expect for your kids; sports camps and leagues, day camps, after school programming, theatrical opportunities, and educational and social opportunities. We also offer unique and innovative programming to help kids grow and learn like fencing, sign language, dance/yoga classes, song writing, improv and so much more. If you don’t see something your looking for, Email Us!
Explore our Program Guide, use the search filers below or visit our online registration site to get started today!
K.E.A.P (Kindergarten Enrichment Achievement Program)
K.E.A.P is an extension of the District 181 Half Day Kindergarten Program that will be held daily (M-F) throughout the school year at The Community House. K.E.A.P will offer before and after school enrichment that will compliment D181’s curriculum with structured activities including: S.T.E.M, Arts and Crafts, Physical Education, and Outdoors Time. Click here for more information.
Before/After the Bell Program
Serving Grades K-5, the Before and After the Bell Programs are a safe environment for your child to be with friends before and after the school day. Your child will do fun activities, gym time, enrichment activities, outdoor play, homework assistance, and organized games. A light snack will be provided for both programs. You can customize your experience by signing up for one day, week, month, etc! Click here for more information!
Before/After the Bell follows School District 181 calendar and typically runs Monday-Friday 7:00am-8:35am and 3:05pm – 6:00pm.
Before the Bell will be held onsite at Walker School and The Community House. Children who attend The Lane, Prospect, Elm, Madison, and Oak will attend Before the Bell at The Community House and be walked/driven to school in the mornings.
Membership Has Privileges
Members of The Community House enjoy discounted prices, advance registration, complimentary events, free use of open gym and walking track and more! The more you register, the more you save!
Registration Information
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Online Program Registration >
View Our Current Program Guide >