Faculty Art Exhibit on display
The FACULY ART EXHIBIT is currently on display in the LyArts Gallery, located on the 2nd floor at The Community House. This dynamic exhibit showcases the extraordinary art work of D181 and 86 teachers as well as LyArts instructors.
The piece included above was provided by Aleksandra Zdun. Aleksander is an art educator and a painter located in the Chicago Suburbs. Her work is a “coming-of-age” autobiography inspired by the concept of inner dialogue originating from Julia Cameron’s “The Artist’s Way”. This concept of inner dialogue explores the relationships between three characters: the child, the wise, and the critic. As a first-generation student, Zdun has used this concept to process her childhood and ultimately allowed her to give power to her wisdom, love her child-self, and accept her critic as a protector of who she is. This body of six pieces also allowed her to create a dimension not rooted in reality, a surrealistic world that deconstructs any binary, letting her exist in a space society cannot touch. She has been featured in the MiddleWestern Voice (2022, 2023), the Pink Slip (2023), and her work was part of a group exhibition in The Accelerator ArtSpace (2022).
Mike Bale (CHMS)
Angie Golden (Monroe)
Jennifer Belmonte (South)
Hannah Kabat (Central)
Janet Roller Schmidt (South)
Alison Sunseri (Souhth)
Aleksandra Zdun (Central)
David Marcet
Gabrielle Tufano
Pam Kalafut
Heather Kostal
Phyllis Kozlowski